Micro Markets: It's Smart (and Healthy) Business

If you’ve travelled in the past year, chances are you have seen a fully self-service station offering food, beverages, and more passing through an airport or hotel. This is a micro market. Micro markets are unattended retail spaces where customers can shop for a broad selection of products and purchase them all on their own. If you’ve used automated markets yourself, it is likely you did because of its ease of use, convenience, and variety of options they offered. Their design ensures a diverse products selection catering to a wide range of tastes and preferences. For heartier meals, customers can choose from fresh salads and sandwiches. Lighter fares may include produce, yogurt parfaits, and snack boxes. Micro markets offer wonderful 24/7 flexibility to a wide variety of customer needs and preferences.

Healthy Micro Market

There are so many use cases for micro markets even beyond the travel and leisure industries. The luxuries of self-service markets make it hard to settle for a breakroom with only one vending machine. Imagine you have access to a micro market in a place where you spend a long period of time, such as work, school, medical, and fitness facilities. Whether it’s a busy day at the office with limited time to grab lunch, or hour 5 of working at the library, a market that never closes is an ideal choice for a quick pick-me-up.

Why Fresh Food Options are Important

Food is undeniably the fuel that powers our bodies and minds. Increased energy levels and productivity are just a few key benefits of maintaining a healthy diet. Unfortunately, unhealthy eating habits can be the root cause of various health issues, which stem from the inability to find healthy options easily.

Research shows a strong correlation between diet and productivity. Individuals who consume limited amounts of fresh fruits, vegetables and other low-fat foods experience productivity losses of up to 93 percent. It may also contribute to “presenteeism”, where employees are physically present but not performing to the best of their ability. In general, those with an unhealthy diet were 66 percent more likely to report having a loss in productivity as opposed to healthy eaters. These statistics underscore the significant value of implementing or upgrading workplace wellness programs. Even simple initiatives like providing a dedicated space for people to relax and refuel can make a positive contribution to employee well-being.

While nutrition is a crucial component of overall well-being and productivity, it is important to recognize that it is just one piece of the puzzle. All kinds of factors affect cognitive and brain functioning abilities. Regular exercise, adequate sleep and hydration, and reduced stress impact not only performance at work, but how you tackle daily tasks. Engaging in activities that promote self-care and relaxation are just as significant as completing work duties. Making time for activities that enrich personal well-being is likely to increase the ease with which you approach life’s tasks and situations. In fact, studies indicate that individuals who feel supported in their overall health are more productive and engaged in their work. Organizations have a responsibility to create environments that encourage the development of healthy habits.

Findings indicate that several factors hinder employees from making healthy food choices. Primarily, heavy workloads and time constraints prevent individuals from prioritizing nutritious meals. Additionally, limited access to quality foods is a significant challenge. Many work environments lack on-site canteens, or convenient outlets to purchase a hearty fare, forcing people to rely on an abundance of readily available unhealthy alternatives. Inconsistent work structure further complicates healthy eating by disrupting routines and limiting break periods.

Safe to say, healthy eating has an undeniable impact on performance. By providing nutritious food options to your employees or travelers, you are contributing to a more satisfied, productive, and positive environment.

What are the Benefits of Micro Markets?

24/7 Access


Without the need for a cashier, micro markets can operate all day. This is perfect for places such as airports, campus libraries, museums, and hospitals. Technology allows customers to make transactions whenever, generating more revenue for the micro market.

Easy Payment & Convenience


Because micro markets are self-service, a reliable unattended payment system is vital. With trusted partners and software systems your market can run transactions at all hours of the day. Especially in this modern age where many customers prefer self-service for quick shopping, customers can enjoy a breezy shopping experience without having to interact with anyone else. This minimizes the chance of bad customer service interactions and maximizes profits for your market. With Apriva, you can accept any way your customers want to pay. With a comprehensive payment solution like ours, you can accept credit, debit, mobile wallets, and closed-loop payments like military and campus cards.



Micro markets are designed to offer flexibility to suit any environment. From warm and inviting break rooms, to the sleek sophistication of an airport, self-service stores can be tailored to match any aesthetic, price, or brand. This level of adaptability means micro markets can fit into any space and serve any demographic.

Health & Wellness

Traditional vending machines may offer chips, candy, and soda. None of which provide nutrients that will result in long-lasting satiety and productivity. The fresh foods that can be sold in micro markets are far more likely to give people a boost of energy that keeps them focused, present, and healthy. Happy people make a workspace more enjoyable for all; furthermore, increasing job satisfaction, and overall mental health. The commitment to the wellness of individuals has been made easy by the emerging trend of micro markets. Self-service convenience stores are highly customizable and can be designed to fit the preferences and needs of any demographic. They also offer the ability to transform the breakroom into an enjoyable experience, allowing people to take a break from their busy lives, work, and stress.

How Apriva Can Help

Here at Apriva, we can help you get started with your micro market’s payment system. We empower you to accept any way your customers want to pay, and can even enable completely contactless AI powered scenarios. Simplify your system setup and maximize revenue potential with our integration and 24/7 live US-based customer services. Contact us, and start looking out for the health and wellness of your customers with a micro market today.


Hollingshead T. Poor employee health means slacking on the job, business losses. Brigham Young University. 2012. https://ph.byu.edu/poor-employee-health-means-slacking-on-the-job-business-losses

Lima, J. P. M., Costa, S. A., Brandão, T.,R.S., & Rocha, A. (2021). Food consumption determinants and barriers for healthy eating at the Workplace—A university setting. Foods, 10(4), 695. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10040695

Thomas, B. (2020). The Healthy Nurse: Identifying Barriers to Healthy Eating at Work. Current Developments in Nutrition, 4(Supplement_2), 286–286. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa043_137

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