New Feature Alert!
Accepting payments just got easier.
Scan credit cards from your mobile device or register without a payment device!

OCR Scan Credit Cards

Scan Card, Get Paid. Easy. When you use Apriva’s safe and secure AprivaPay app to accept payments on your phone, tablet, or register, you can now use our OCR Card Scan feature! Quickly and securely scan cards using your device’s camera in-app to quickly capture payment information. The best part? We’ve added this feature at no additional charge!

  • POS device down? Scan card, get paid.
  • Struggling with POS availability, cost, and wait times? Scan card, get paid.
  • Wi-Fi down? Scan card, get paid.
  • Bluetooth connection not working? Scan card, get paid.
  • Manual card entry mistakes? Scan card, get paid.

Optical character recognition or optical character reader (OCR) is the electronic or mechanical conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text, such as from a digital scan of a debit or credit card. Card Scan uses the camera on the mobile device being used, from within the secure AprivaPay app, to scan credit and debit card information. A photo is never taken or stored, and the card number, CVV, and expiration are all automatically entered into the app so payment can be processed.

Want to demo the AprivaPay app? Download the app free today on the Apple, Google, or Amazon app stores!

There’s never been a better time to use or resell Apriva! Save money, get paid. Give us a chance to show you the Apriva difference today. Contact Apriva today for more information.

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Product Highlight

Virtual Terminal

Virtual Terminal allows you to securely accept transactions, any time you need to, anywhere you can access the internet. No app download needed. No POS device needed. Perfect for phone or mail-in orders, or as a reliable backup payment solution.

AprivaPay is Now on PAX!

Sign up for our free webinar on February 1 to learn more about what this means for you and your business.

Apriva Now Offers Dual Pricing!

Apriva merchants can now use either a cash discount or a convenience fee with the AprivaPay mobile app!