Professionals in service industries that spend their days in the field on calls, like HVAC or Plumbing, need a secure mobile payment app that keeps them competitive and efficient, especially today. It’s no surprise that COVID-19 has slowed industry growth. That said, government relief has helped to stop further industry decline. Opportunities moving forward include government incentives to retrofit and upgrade buildings, plus more people at home has caused an increase in repairs and interest in energy efficient money-saving upgrades. But in order to thrive, service professionals need to be able to quickly accept payments in the field, process upsells and add-ons immediately, keep their transactions secure, and not wait to be paid by unreliable payment apps (that not all customers have or can use). Good thing AprivaPay Mobile does all this and more! Plus, unlike our competitors, you pay for what you need vs. paying for tools that aren’t right for you.

To illustrate the difference AprivaPay Mobile can make, here’s what a day in the life of a service pro looks like:


With AprivaPay Mobile 👍 

  • You get into your truck to start your day. All you need is your existing iOS, Android, or Amazon mobile device to accept payments via text message, and maybe a small Bluetooth card reader you can pop in your pocket. Hit the gas.
  • You arrive at your first service of the day. While you’re working, you spot an upsell opportunity. You use AprivaPay Mobile to add the, promo, or featured product to the customer bill on the spot. One less thing to do tonight!
  • You see an opportunity to schedule recurring visits with subscription billing. You set it all up using AprivaPay Mobile on your existing smart device. One more thing done!
  • You finish the job and accept immediate payment via swipe, dip, tap, or mobile. Done. Money in your pocket. Next!
  • You drive to your next job, this time at a commercial build. When your work is finished, you invoice your customer right from your AprivaPay Mobile app and move on with your day. One less thing to do!
  • Your services are done and you’re back in your office. Since your payments and invoicing were handled in the field, you have time to leverage our Merchant Studio’s powerful analytics to see what upsells worked, employee sales, inventory and promo management, and more. You’re ready for tomorrow!

Without AprivaPay Mobile 👎

  • You get into your truck to start your day with a bulky point of sale, maybe your laptop, a clipboard…lots to keep track of. You have to juggle sending invoices later in the day or accepting payments from a myriad of “free” payment apps that don’t pay you immediately, or run to your truck for your payment system you couldn’t carry with your tools. Sounds like a lot to keep track of.
  • You arrive at your first service of the day. While you’re working, you spot an upsell opportunity. You have to call the office or bill your customer later, and which point time, and frustration, may change their minds.
  • One more thing to do tonight. You see an opportunity to schedule recurring visits with subscription billing. You call the office or make a note to set it up on your computer later. One more thing to do.
  • You finish the job and pay heavy fees with another payment app, or wait for funds to be released, or loose repeat business by not accepting cards, or put your customers at risk by writing down their information to charge later…all while losing important payment trends and metrics. Waiting to get paid.
  • You drive to your next job, this time at a commercial build. When your work is finished, you have to invoice your customer at the end of the day from your computer, maybe not offering them an online payment option. Your to-do list sure is getting long.
  • Your services are done and you’re back in your office. You spend your in-office time doing all the tasks you couldn’t complete in the field and don’t have time for deeper analysis or customer experience and retention activities. Perpetually catching up.

To learn more about AprivaPay Mobile and how it can benefit your business or your merchants, contact us today!

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Product Highlight

Virtual Terminal

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AprivaPay is Now on PAX!

Sign up for our free webinar on February 1 to learn more about what this means for you and your business.

Apriva Now Offers Dual Pricing!

Apriva merchants can now use either a cash discount or a convenience fee with the AprivaPay mobile app!