While many self-service operators place vending machines, micro markets, and kiosks on college and university campuses, a large number of these operators are unable to accept a popular payment method key to that environment: Campus cards.
Integrating campus card payments enables self-service and vending businesses to grow sales on campus and win customers they might be missing with traditional payment options. Some vendors have seen a near 25% increase in revenue when adding campus card transactions, and the revenue opportunities are apparent in student spending reports. Research shows on-campus students spent $200 to $400 per month in food and grocery expenses, and $400 to $2000 per year in parking transactions[1].
In addition to the on-campus sales opportunities, off-campus merchants, restaurants, vendors, independent software vendors (ISVs), and mobile app developers can tap campus markets by accepting campus card payments. Ready examples include rideshare apps and meal delivery apps are often used by students for convenience and safety. Merchants able to accept campus cards can quickly gain market share in campus communities and can build brand loyalty by first winning customers during their college years.
For more details on Apriva’s campus card payment capabilities, please email us at pos@newpayments.apriva.com or call us at (877) 277-0728 with any questions.
[1] http://vanderbilthustler.com/campus/see-how-vanderbilts-parking-costs-compare-to-other-top-universities.html